Create YouTube thumbnail That Drives Views

A thumbnail acts as the book cover of your video. That’s why you need to perfect it as you would perfect your video. Vivipic helps you make a thumbnail that sparks your audience’s curiosity.


How to make a great YouTube thumbnail?

<span data-metadata="">Vivipic YouTube Thumbnail Maker

在下方放可以點擊的模板3×3個。Vivipic’s YouTube thumbnail templates follow best practices on how to make a great thumbnail that can increase the clicks on your content so people begin to find your content!


Vivipic's Smart Editor takes your YouTube Thumbnail to the next level.

People also ask..

What size is a YouTube thumbnail?

– Best thumbnail size: 1280 x 720 pixels

– Minimum width: 640 pixels

– Recommended ratio: 16:9

– Maximum file size: 2MB

– Accepted file types: .jpg, .gif, .bmp,  .png and .webp

What kind of YouTube Banner templates do you have?

– Best thumbnail size: 1280 x 720 pixels

– Minimum width: 640 pixels

Do I need to have design skills to use Vivipic?
– Best thumbnail size: 1280 x 720 pixels

– Minimum width: 640 pixels

How do I use the Vivipic YouTube Banner Maker?

What editing features does Vivipic offer?

<span data-metadata="">Free YouTube Thumbnail Templates

右邊是大大小小的youtube thumbnail組成的圖 Vivipic’s YouTube thumbnail templates follow best practices on how to make a great thumbnail that can increase the clicks on your video so people begin to find your content!

<span data-buffer="">From our blog<span data-metadata="">

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