Create Instagram Story that drives engagement

The frequency of users posting Instagram stories is much higher than that of posts, mainly because the stories are more immediate, won’t stay on the main page long, and the functions can be more diverse.


How to make a great Instagram Story?

Vivipic Instagram Story Maker


Vivipic fully understands the importance of Instagram Story for marketing practice, and our free templates can help you improve brand recognition and user stickiness!



Vivipic's Smart Editor takes your YouTube Thumbnail to the next level.

People also ask..

What is the best size for Instagram Story?

The dimensions for Instagram Stories are 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels tall (1080 x 1920, or 1080p resolution).

Your Instagram Story size should have an aspect ratio of 9:16.

What kind of Story templates can I find on Vivipic?

From product images, event promotions to all kinds of pro-looking backgrounds, Vivipic provides you with all kinds of story templates.

How to start using Vivipic editor? Do I need any design skills with it?

Simply go to Vivipic’s homepage and click Get Started! The content and process design of Vivipic allows you to make beautiful designs with limited design skills.

What sets Vivipic apart from other design tools?

Vivipic is purpose-oriented design tool. It provides you with designs that will be used in various occasions and industries, saving you the time of searching and modifying the designs by yourself.

Free Instagram Story Templates

右邊是大大小小的instagram story組成的圖
Vivipic is the design tool that best understands your needs best with tailor-made templates for various holidays, events and industries. The number of IG Story templates is still increasing, stay tunned and explored it now!

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